Covid-19 Resource Page

Covid-19 Safety Tips

Physical Distancing

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Hand Washing

  • Employees should try to keep a distance of 2 meters between themselves and coworkers or customers. 
  • Employers should increase the distance between desks, tables and workstations when working from an office
  • Employers are responsible to reduce activities that require close physical proximity or contact with people such as team meetings
  • PPE are items worn that provide a protective barrier from infectious diseases. These Items Include: gloves, gowns, surgical masks, respirators, face shields, eye protection.
  • Employers may provide PPE to Employees and they must train Employees on proper safe use and disposal of PPE.
  • Employers must provide access to handwashing and alcohol-based hand sanitizers at multiple locations in the workplace
  • Portable hand sanitizer bottles should be provided to workers at their workstations if they directly interact with customers
  • Workers should conduct hand hygiene between every interaction with customers
  • It is recommended that workplaces to have Alcohol based hand sanitizer with greater than 60% alcohol content

Make a Workplace Safety Plan

Do You Dare Switch Jobs In The Corona Virus Economy?
Steps To Take Before A Job Change

Change Of Mindset

People have had a change of mindset when it comes to work in the past year due to the global scale of the pandemic. People have had second thoughts on their careers when having to realize their jobs may not be as fulfilling as they once thought. The pandemic has let us take a step back and made us look at things from a new perspective.


Networking with friends of friends, colleagues, former coworkers and maybe even your fellow alumni can lead you to connect with people in your field of interest or industry.

Hone Your Skills

The pandemic can give us the opportunity to sharpen our skills from online learning opportunities. Whether it’s LinkedIn Learning or SkillShare, learning new skills or sharpening old ones can help you decide new career paths or a foot into other industries

Be On The Lookout

Interviews are still happening and you as a jobseeker should still be on the lookout for new employment opportunities. Job seeking and interviewing from the comfort of your own home is a much more relaxed approach than the traditional commute to an office take.